Thursday, October 14, 2010


Superlative news, Brian Jacques has written me back! I stopped by the post box to check my junk mail and lo! within was a glowing envelope graced with a "Redwall" embossed postage label from Liverpool. I saved it for last - some might call it a short coming to not simply tear into that mail one actually wants, but I prefer to savor the moment - and carefully snipped it open in the fashion shown me by a sweet Thai girl back in high school.

Inside was a stationaried and watermarked letter dated "08 October" and addressed to me by name! Oh joy~! The note itself was very much in character with Jacques other works, wherein he thanked his fan for continued interest and assured me that he was still writing. The Sable Queen came out a few months ago, so perhaps I'll drop by the library and pick it up.

My thanks, Mr. Jacques, for taking the time to reply!